In order to provide our British and Dutch customers with the best possible service, we work together with reliable and experienced companies in the flower bulb trade. Together we ensure that every export and/or import between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom is professional and error-free.
Onze Partners
Om onze Britse en Nederlandse klanten zo goed mogelijk van dienst te kunnen zijn, werken wij samen met betrouwbare en ervaren bedrijven in de bloembollenhandel. Samen zorgen wij ervoor dat elke export en/of import tussen Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk professioneel en foutloos verloopt.
Biggest Range of Rare Plant Varieties UK
We offer CITES Plants e.g. Dionaea, Sarracenia, Cacti, Nepenthes, Aloe and many more for Competitive Wholesale Prices.
Minimum Order Value Only £ 375 in UK
Safely packed and delivered throughout the UK for only £25 (except for the Highlands, British Isles and Northern Ireland)
Plants Barcoded With (customized) RRP
All plants are provided with barcode and (customized) RRP for your garden centre or houseplant shop.